Blind at shank end with .375" minimum thread length from head end.
Request Information
Unit of Measure

Thread Size

N/A .138-32 (#6-32)

L ± .005

N/A .750 in a1089.jpg

A (Shank) Max.

N/A .090 in
Sheet Thickness1 N/A .050 to .065 in

Hole Size in Sheet + .005 - .001

N/A .213 in

B ± .003

N/A .171 in

C Max.

N/A .212 in

E ± .005

N/A .280 in

F - Minimum Thread Length

N/A .375 in

K ± .003

N/A .226 in

P ± .010

N/A .040 in

Min. Dist. Hole C/L to Edge

N/A .22 in

Thread Specification

N/A Internal, ASME B1.1, 2B

Fastener Material

N/A CDA-353 Brass

Standard Finish

N/A Electro-Plated Tin, ASTM B545, Class B with Preservative Coating, Annealed

CAD Supplier

N/A PennEngineering® (PEM®)
  • 1 For maximum performance, we recommend that you use the maximum shank length for your sheet thickness.