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Type SMTSOB™ - ReelFast® brass fasteners are ideal for applications which demand superior electrical/mechanical attachment points.

Packaged on 330 mm recyclable reels. Tape width is 24 mm. Supplied with polyimide patch for vacuum pick up. Reels conform to EIA-481.
Unit of Measure


Thru-Hole + .004-.003

N/A .116 in

Thru-Hole Code

N/A 116

Length Code

N/A 4

L - Length ± .005

N/A .125 in ReelFast--Surface-Mount-Standoffs---Type-SMTSOB-2.JPG

Min. Sheet Thickness

N/A .060 in

A Max.

N/A .060 in

C Max.

N/A .161 in

E ± .005

N/A .219 in

øH - Hole Size in Sheet + .003 - .000

N/A .166 in

øD - Min. Solder Pad

N/A .244 in
Parts per Reel1 N/A 1000


N/A 12 mm

For Use In

N/A P.C. Board

Fastener Material

N/A Brass
Standard Finish2 N/A Electro-Plated Tin, ASTM B 545, Class A with Clear Preservative Coating, annealed

CAD Supplier

N/A PennEngineering® (PEM®)
  • 1 Packaged on 13" recyclable reels. Tape width is 24mm and 16mm. Pitch is 16mm and 12mm. Reels conform to EIA-481.
  • 2 The tin deposit on type SMTSOB meets the requirements of ASTM B545, Class A and although the copper and nickel barrier layers used under the tin do not strictly comply with ASTM B545 thickness requirements they have proven effective at preventing zinc mig